Social Compliance

Social Compliance

Social Compliance and Sustainability Policy & Commitment


Neta Nakis Tekstil ve Makine San. Tic. A.S. aspect; Our social compliance policy includes the standards that we create by working as a team, based on our basic principles and values, together with all our business partners. Our goal is to ensure that the Social Compliance Policy becomes the corporate culture within our business. For this reason, social compliance standards have been established and started to be implemented. In addition to creating products and services with these social compliance standards, this policy is committed to giving employees all their rights arising from the standards within the framework of the law, to comply with occupational health and safety rules, to be sensitive to the environment, to create an open and honest communication, respect and workplace environment among employees. . The social compliance policy is announced to all our employees through trainings or communication channels (board, website, mail group, etc.), our suppliers are informed and our suppliers are evaluated according to these criteria. Within the scope of this policy, no sanctions or penalties are applied against employees who raise their concerns, concerns and complaints, and suggestions, wishes and complaints boxes created to express these concerns and concerns are used. Employees can clearly state all kinds of opinions, requests, complaints and suggestions in the boxes and these are evaluated by the Senior Management. Necessary improvement activities are carried out for areas open to improvement. The Social Compliance Policy covers the following components:


  • - Recruitment, Child Labor Prevention and Young Workers
  • - Termination of Business Relationship
  • - Prevention of Forced Labor
  • - Prevention of Oppression, Harassment and Abuse
  • -          Discrimination
  • -          Working hours
  • - Payments and Legal Rights:
  • - Disciplinary Practices and Company Rules
  • - Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
  • - Employee and Management Communication, Receiving Employee Feedback
  • -          Occupational health and Safety
  • - Foreign Workers, Immigrant Workers
  • - Supply Chain Management and Contract Utilization
  • - Housework Use
  • - Increasing Employee Awareness
  • - Environmental Requirements
  • - Protection of Personal Data
  • - Prevention of Bribery and Corruption


 All the principles in the Social Compliance Policy document are put into practice with the necessary regulations, and the level of implementation is supervised by the relevant units. We consider the success of our company in social responsibility practices as an important criterion in the evaluation of our companys performance. This policy document has been prepared to share a clear commitment of Neta Nakış Tekstil ve Makine San.Tic.A.Ş. to fulfill all its responsibilities for a better world and future, with all our employees, all our stakeholders and all our business partners.
